Sunday, April 1, 2012


We had the Lord's Supper today at church and the Pastor mentioned Judas Iscariot.  I started thinking
about him on the way home from church, so after lunch I looked up everything I could find about him in
the bible.  There's no good thing said about him.  Why did they let him be treasurer when he was a thief?  While he traveled with Jesus, he apparantly didn't learn anything.  Was he in the boat when Jesus  stilled
the storm?  He must have seen Him perform miracles yet did he not know He was the son of God?
Jesus said "I chose the twelve of you but one is a devil."  What exactly did that mean?  He apparently was
remorseful when he knew Jesus was going to be put to death.  He gave the thirty pieces of silver back
and killed himself but nothing is said about him asking forgiveness.  Well there's lots of things I'm never
going to understand and I guess this is one of them.