Friday, July 13, 2012

Honey Bees

At the library we've had a problem with  honey bees and in talking the the librarian I remembered something
I had not thought of for years.  When the children were small we lived in Fontenory addition in Milan, IL.
Our backyard had lots of clover and we had lots of honeybees.  One day I was doing laundry and my washer was on the back porch.  Debbie and Lora had been playing in the backyard and then they came in
on the back porch.  Lora was probably about four at this time and she was rocking in their little rocker.  I
noticed that she was rocking honey bees.  They were all over her lap.  I said "Where did you get those?"
Debbie said "She catches them but I can't they sting me but they don't sting her."   I said, How did you
catch them?  Lora said, I just put my hand over them and pick them up carefully.  I was amazed.