Monday, May 20, 2013

Sad Thoughts

I went to a funeral today.   This man was fifty years old but in my memory he was still that teenager
who hung out with my son.  His coffin was closed so he'll always be young to me.  The pall bearers
were Scott and other men that went to school with Robin.  One of them had a long gray beard.  I
recognized all but one of them.  He spoke to me and I think I know who he is, I just can't remember
his name.  One of the preachers who spoke at the funeral was one of the boys in school then.  I
didn't know he had became a preacher but I was happy to hear that.  Those boys were all so  young
when we moved to Dongola.  Where did all those years go?

Friday, May 17, 2013


I love to read in Psalms.  I read a verse last night that said "My life passes as swiftly as the evening shadows."
I thought that is very  true but was David old when he wrote that?  There are so many beautiful psalms,
I wish I would have memorized a lot of them when I was young and could.  When my eyes are dim and
I can no longer read then I could have repeated them to myself.


The Bible refers to humans as sheep.  I've never been around sheep but I've read
that they are not a smart animal.  They will stray and get lost and they can't really
defend themselves.  They don't know danger when they see it and isn't that how
we are sometimes?  The Bible is telling us we need a shepherd.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Well there was something I was going to write on this blog but I had trouble getting on. 
It's still on my old address and I couldn't remember it and I couldn't get it to come up.
Then finally it did come to me a couple of days later and now I can't remember what I
was going to write.  So now I'm on my blog but nothings on my mind.  I guess I'll just
have to get off and maybe what I was going to write will come back and I'll still remember
my address.  Well guess that's the problems for old women.