Saturday, August 31, 2013

Red Raspberries

I bought some red raspberrries this week.  I ate many blackberries when I was growing up but never red
raspberries.  The first time I had those was after Bill and I moved to Milan, IL.  There was a Dairy Queen just before you left Milan to go upon the bridge into Rock Island.  Dairy Queen's were just drive-ins then, and they just had icecream, sundaes, shakes and icecream cones.  Bill loved dairy queen icecream and that was the place we went a lot in the summer evenings.  Bill just wanted a cone but I wanted a raspberry sundae. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Sentence

I was reading this book by a author that I had never read before.  I read this sentence and it intrigued me.
The sentence was,"From the day we're born we should all be afraid, but not of dying."  I thought that is
right.  From the day we're born. we have to face life and life is hard.  This life has happiness but it also
has sorrow, pain and loniness.  There are hard things to face in this life but if you're God's child, death is
Heaven.  No more sorrow, grief, or pain.  I don't know what the author meant when he wrote that sentence but it is true.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

An Empty House

I woke up this morning and looked at the clock.  It was 6:30, I thought of the days in Milan how busy
it would have been at this time of the morning.  Bill would be leaving for work and the children would be
eating breakfast.  The morning would be busy four children getting ready for school and myself getting
ready for work.  This morning the house was quiet, no traffic going by, no alarm had gone off.  There
was no one here but me and there was really nothing I had to do.  There were things I should do but
it wouldn't really matter if I did anything at all.