Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer's End

The sun's coming up later and going down earlier.  There's a chill in the early
morning air.  The kids started back to school last week.  It'll soon be the be
the end of summer and the beginning of fall.  Fall has always been my favorite
time of year.  Yet there's a sadness at summer's end because another year is
almost gone.  Did I ever feel that way when I was young?  I don't think so.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Ah, Time you are so cruel
You took the sparkle from my eye
You've turned my hair from gold to gray
You've turned my breath from glee to sigh.

You've written lines upon my face
And put a tremble in my hand
There is no spring now in my step
Ah, Time you are a cruel pen.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sunday Morning Song Service

The songs we sang at church Sunday morning bought back a lot of memories.
The first song was "There's Something About That Name".  I remembered Deb singing it at Andulusia church.  Her Dad loved to hear her sang it.  The second
song was "In The Garden".  I thought of the time that Bill and the girls sang it
at church and Bill choked up when he said he could remember hearing his
Mothher sang it when he was a boy.  The third song was "How Great Thou Art".  That was one of Bill's favorite songs.  I remember a young girl singing
it in church one Sunday morning without music and Bill telling her how
beautiful he thought it was.  There's a song entitled " Memories Linger On" and
that's so very true.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


The bible says "Do not let the sun go dwon upon your anger".  It would be better not to get angry at all.  Anger does not accomplish anything.  It does not hurt the one you are angry at.  If it harms anyone, it's the person who is angry.
I got angry at my dentist's office lady because I had waited five months to get a filling replaced.  Losing my temper lost me a dentist that I gone to for thirty years and I really liked him and he was reasonable on his charges.  She won't make me an appointment and I have not found another dentist that I am satisfied with.  My complain did not hurt her at all but it hurt me so even when you think you have every right to be angry at someone, it's better to just let it go.

A Special Lady

I went to a funeral today of a lady I had known all my life.  When I hugged her daughter, she said "we go way back".  I think she might have been thinking of the time I stayed with her when her second daughter was born but I thought how our families go way bak.  Her Dad and my Dad grew up on neighboring farms.  Her Grandparents had lived in the same place and so had mine.  So our families really do go way back.

She was in my older brother's class in grade school and was a good friend of my older sister.  One of her brothers was in the same grade as my brother and myself and he dated my best friend.  Her youngest brother was in the same grade as my youngest sister.  When you went to a small country school in the fortys, you went to school with friends.

Her mother was a special lady.  She a 103 years old.  I know where she is today and I'm sure she's celebrating with her old friends including my mother and dad.


It's curious how families change as society changes.  At one time large families were the norm.  On a farm a large family was an asset.  There was much work to be done and from the youngest to the oldest you had a chore.  My Dad was what was called then "a truck farmer".  Maybe because you needed a truck to sell your produce.  Work started on the first warm day of spring and ended when everthing had been harvested in the fall.

The planting time meant fields of tomatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, watermelons and cantaloupes.  The first harvest was in May when the strawberries were ripe.  They were picked, packed and shipped, going by train to some city.  There were daily chores, feeding chickens, gathering eggs, feeding pigs, milking cows and separating the milk.

There was also fun things to do.  Building a playhouse and making mud pies.  We were good at making up our own games.  We did things children today has never heard of doing.  We played much in the creek that ran through the farm and had no water in it except when there was a heavy rain.

Growing up in a large family was a blessing I like to remember.  Being the middle child there was always someone older to help me with my lessons, to come to my rescue if I was picked on at school.  We never knew what the word bored meant and when I hear kids say that today I kinda feel sorry for them.

Brevity of Life

The bible tells us how short our life span is and yet when we are young the years before us seem long.  I remember as a teenager how quickly I wanted to grow up.  The bible is comparing life here to eternity yet when you look back and wonder where did all the years go.  When we are young if we could grasp on to the fact that life here is short maybe we'd spend our years more wisely.