Monday, January 23, 2012


I've always heard that wisdom comes with age but I'm not sure that's always true. 
When I think of wisdom, I always think of Solomon.  When he became king, he ask God for wisdom and
God gave him wisdom.  But as Solomon became older, did he remain wise?  God had clearly instructed His people not to marry foreign women that they would turn their hearts away from the one true God.  I Kings says Solomon loved many foreign women.  He married many of them.   In his old age they turned his heart away from God ,just as God said they would.  So was Solomon wiser as he got older?  I don't think so.
So have I grew smarter through tthe years?  I don't think so.  I still make as many mistakes as I always
have.  But I'm never going to make the mistake of turning away from God.

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