Friday, March 29, 2013


I 've always enjoyed poetry and when I was young it was very easy to memorize it.  I also liked music and if I heard a song a few times, the words would just stay with me.  In the 70's the church where we went started a memorization course to memorize scripture.  I thought "Oh this will be a breeze."  Well it was't
Bill did better than I did.  I tried to tell myself that he could take his book to work with him and study it while he was getting his truck loaded and I couldn't do that. 

A couple of years ago, I was reading Psalms chapter 100 and thought I'd like to memorize this, its so beautiful.  So I worked on it for ages, if I could repeat it one day next day I couldn't.  It would not stay in my memory.  I've heard an older person say your brain gets over-loaded as you get older.  I've decided that what happens when you are young, your brain is soft and things just soak in, even when you don't really try.  As you get older your brain keeps getting firmer so remembering is not so easy.  Then when you get really old, like me, your brain must be hard and slippery and things just slid off and nothing sticks at all.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dogs We've Had

I was thinking last night about Dusty, the last dog we had.  Really she was Bill's dog.  They were all Bill's dogs.  I was never crazy about animals but we usually had a dog.  The first one Mrs. Willet gave us.  She was an older lady who babysit for me if I went with Bill to play music.  I was at her house and her dog had had puppies.  I was shocked because this sweet older lady was cutting the tails off the pups with a butcher knife.  I took
one of the puppies but did not want it's tail cut off.  I wanted to see it wag.  Every dog we had was Bill's dog, I guess they could tell where the love was.  That dog would follow me to the grocery store which was just up the road and I walked there.  I would go in the summer and buy a ice cream bar and sit on the back step to eat it and Snoopy would sit and look sad because he didn't have any so I always gave the last of it to him.  Sometimes we let him in the house in the evening and Bill and I would lay on the living room floor by him and no matter so close together we could get he would wiggle his way in between us.  That was just a game we played with him.  We didn't have any children at that time. 

The second dog we had was a little black and white dog.  It was a female and we called her Tippy.  We still lived on Ginger Hill and she followed Debbie and I everywhere we walked.  The older couple that lived next door raised tomatoes and we walked down there to buy them.  One day the dog followed us and as she walked in their garage where the tomatoes were, this cat jumped on her back and rode her out of the yard.  Apparantly they didn't like dogs and had trained her to do that.  From then on when we would go after tomatoes she would follow us until she saw where we were going and then back to the house she would go.

One dog we had was first Lora's but we took it because she wasn't supposed to have a dog where she lived.  She was a beauty, a sheltie and of course she was Bill's dog.  She followed him around the farm
where we lived and if there was a mud hole she would not step in it.  Bill would pick her up and carry her across it.

The last dog we had was really JoBeth's or was supposed to be but she moved away and he became Bill's dog.  He was just a mutt but a smart mutt and if you listened to Bill he was a amazing.  We never had any other critters to deal with because he took care of them.  If we had a mole in the yard he would soon have it dug out and killed and I could certainly use him now.  When Bill went into town he would sit out on the hill and watch the road and when he saw the truck turn in the lane, he was off down to meet it and race it to the house.  When Bill got sick he would meet the truck everytime we came in and somehow he knew that Bill was no longer on the drivers side he would sit and wait for me to open Bill's truck door,  He would sit there for Bill to pet and talk to him for a while then Bill would tell him to move out of his way and he would.  He didn't live very long after Bill died.  I guess he thought I wouldn't be as good a campanion to him and he was probably right.