Friday, March 29, 2013


I 've always enjoyed poetry and when I was young it was very easy to memorize it.  I also liked music and if I heard a song a few times, the words would just stay with me.  In the 70's the church where we went started a memorization course to memorize scripture.  I thought "Oh this will be a breeze."  Well it was't
Bill did better than I did.  I tried to tell myself that he could take his book to work with him and study it while he was getting his truck loaded and I couldn't do that. 

A couple of years ago, I was reading Psalms chapter 100 and thought I'd like to memorize this, its so beautiful.  So I worked on it for ages, if I could repeat it one day next day I couldn't.  It would not stay in my memory.  I've heard an older person say your brain gets over-loaded as you get older.  I've decided that what happens when you are young, your brain is soft and things just soak in, even when you don't really try.  As you get older your brain keeps getting firmer so remembering is not so easy.  Then when you get really old, like me, your brain must be hard and slippery and things just slid off and nothing sticks at all.

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