Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Sermon

I still have some notes I took one Sunday. It was a god sermon. I don't usually take notes but that day our pastor told us things that I knew I should do. He said we should put away all bad feelings that we have and forgive anyone that have ever wronged us. Even if you think you've forgiven them, you can't seem to forget it and you should. He also said we should make a list of our blessings and thank God for them. So something for someone. Don't gripe about things that happen and don't take part in gossip. Memorize scripture. I wish I had done more of that when I was young and could. Don't be a part-time christian. Service the Lord and rejoice in the Lord always. Our Pastor has re-tired and we haven't filled our pulpit yet. He had been here for eighteen years and he's been a good pastor. He's always been a pastor to the whole community whether you are a member of ou chuch or not. I pray that God will send us another pastor like him.

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