Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Golden Years

I wonder who coined that name.  Are your last years supposed to be bright and shining,
like gold?  Most of the older people I know are sad and lonely.  They’ve lost their mate.
When you lose your mate, you also lose your circle of friends.  Oh they’re still there and I’m sure they still care about you but you no longer have anything in common.  Your friends were couples as you were a couple and no longer are.

There are many things that affect your life in the later years.  Sometimes you lose your health or sometimes your mate loses their health and this affects not only them but you.
So things other than death may be the reason your life has changed.  Dementia is a large problem today in your later years.  So even if you’re still healthy physically your
mind may  no  longer be healthy.

Does God want you to spend your last years sad and lonely?  I don’t think so.  So is there an answer?  I don’t have it but I’m sure it’s there, somewhere in God’s word.

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