Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Widow's Thoughts

Where did all the years go.  As the bible says, like a vapor, they passed so quickly.  Fifty-six years, some good, some not so good.  There was good in even the worse of them.
I think of us, nineteen and seventeen, so young, so dumb.  If we had known what the years would bring, would we have been brave enough to start that journey?

1950 was a different age from today.  Most marriages didn’t start in church but most marriages lasted until death parted the partners.  It was expected to be a lifetime venture.  Ours began in the basement of the preacher’s home.  When the preacher ask what type of wedding we wanted, Bill replied “the shortest and the cheapest”.  I was not happy with that answer.  Apparently he thought the ceremony was not that important, maybe the marriage would be.

Bill worked construction and two weeks after the wedding, he was laid off.  A few weeks later, his mother suffered a stroke.  I was destined to be the caregiver.  Bill took a job on a truck and was gone most of the week.  Not the greatest way to start a marriage, yet
Looking back on that winter, we learned much about each other.  At that time I’m sure
Fifty-six years would have seemed long but looking back on them, they were not long enough. 

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