Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Mother

Many women do noble things but you surpass them all. Proverbs 31:29
Today being Mother's Day, our church service was on Proverbs 31.  It made me think of my mother and
this verse was the one that made me think of her.  If I had to come up with one word for my mother as I was growing up, it would be patience.  She never yelled at us.  I can never remember her raising her voice at any of us or my father.  I wish my children could say that about me but they can not.  My mother raised nine children.  She cooked three meals a day.  She made most of us girls clothes.  I don't know how she found
enough time in the day to do all she did.  She worked in the garden and she always had time to plant flowers.  I can remember her scrubbing clothes on the washboard before she had a washing machine.  Even though, she didn't have a highschool education, she could help with homework but the most important thing
she taught us was right from wrong.  Some times I thought she must have a sixth sense because she always
seemed to know if you were doing something you shouldn't be doing.  I feel very blessed to have had her
for a mother.

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