Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Quote

I read a quote today by Lucille Ball that said you had to love yourself first to
get anything done.  The bible says to love God first and to love your neighbor
as yourself.  Maybe she really meant self-repect rather than love.  It's important
to have self-repect.

Time Travel

If I could travel back in time, what time in my life would I want to live over.  Would it be when I was young with nothing to worry about.  Would it be my high school years, spending time with old friends I knew then?
Would I want to spend a day with my family when all of us were still at home?  Would it be when I was dating my future husband, feeling the joy of falling in love?  Maybe the time when my children were small?  Perhaps the day the Lord saved me or the day when my husband was saved.  Maybe the day we stood in the hospital and viewed  our first grandchild.  It's a good thing that we don't have that choice because I'd spend the rest of my life just trying to decide on one.

Left Overs

When I was cleaning the kitchen this morning, I decided I needed to clean out the left overs in the frig.
While I was doing that, I thought "why do I keep these little dabs of food that I'm never going to eat".
They just clutter up the frig and take up room that I need for things that I'm going to use.  But I keep
putting them in there, throwing them out and then having to wash up the dishes they're in.  I need to
stop that habit.

It made me think of left overs in my mind that should have been thrown out years ago.  Old painful
hurts that keep coming back from time to time.  Things I should have done better, if I'd have been


When I was a sophomore in high school, we had to memorize and recite a poem in English class.  Of course I chose one by Longfellow.  It was entitled "The Builders".
.  A classmate chose "I Have A Rendezvous With Death" by Alan
Seeger.  I thought, oh why did she chose that one.  I've read that poem several
times since then and I feel differently about it.  We all have a rendezvous
with death and none shall fail that rendezvous.

The Old Rugged Cross

We sang" Thhe Old Rugged Cross" at chruch Sunday and everytime I hear that song it reminds me of the
first time I ever heard Bill sang a gospel song.  It was in the early years of our marriage.   He was just sitting playing his guitar and singing as he did a lot when he was home.  He sang "The Old Rugged Cross".  I was surprised that he knew the words to it.
I said, When did you learn that song?  He said I remember hearing my mother sing it when I was growing up.  Of course they did go to church when Bill was growing up.  I guess I was just surprised because I'd never heard him sang a gospel song before.   That was the first gospel song I heard him sang but certainly not the last one.  If there was a gospel song I wanted him to sing at church, he would always learn it and sing it.  When he got sick he was working on a song I wanted him to sing at church.  I had heard the Wilburn Bros. sing it.  It was titled "Don't Go Home Unsaved".  He didn't get to sing it at church but maybe he'll sing it for me when I get to heaven.


God gave Solomon much wisdom.  Yet I don't understand him writing Ecclesiastes.  He writes so many times that everything is meaningless and chasing after the wind.  He says one upright man amoung a thousand but not one upright woman amoung them all.  Maybe he married too many women.
Solomon was wise.  And the conclusion of the matter, he said "Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man.  For God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden thing whether is good or evil.

A Dream

One night I woke up and I had had a strange dream.  I was going on a journey and I was walking.  When I started there was a man walking along in the same direction and I knew that if I needed him, he would help me.  Along the way I took a nap and when I woike up, I was alone.  Apparantly the man had went on.  I knew I should not have went to sleep.  I went on but I didn't like being alone.  I met people along the way but
they stayed and I kept traveling.  The day got later and it got darker.  Finally there was no one but me.

I was standing in the beginning of a forest and somehow I knew I had to go through it.
I had stopped and I didn''t want to go any farther alone.  I woke up.  As I lay there thinking about the strange dream, I thought that dream is like life.  This life is like a trip and you need someone with you.  You need God.  He will not leave you, He'll stay with you all the way.