Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Dream

One night I woke up and I had had a strange dream.  I was going on a journey and I was walking.  When I started there was a man walking along in the same direction and I knew that if I needed him, he would help me.  Along the way I took a nap and when I woike up, I was alone.  Apparantly the man had went on.  I knew I should not have went to sleep.  I went on but I didn't like being alone.  I met people along the way but
they stayed and I kept traveling.  The day got later and it got darker.  Finally there was no one but me.

I was standing in the beginning of a forest and somehow I knew I had to go through it.
I had stopped and I didn''t want to go any farther alone.  I woke up.  As I lay there thinking about the strange dream, I thought that dream is like life.  This life is like a trip and you need someone with you.  You need God.  He will not leave you, He'll stay with you all the way.

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