Thursday, February 27, 2014


Growing up in the 30s and 40s, marriage seemed to be final.
I didn't know anyone that their parents were divoced.  That certainly isn't the case these days.  I remember Bill going with our granddaughter to a school pinic.  She was with us at the time because her parents were divorced.

Her teacher told Bill fifty per cent of the children at school was from divorced homes.  I was at my granddaughters wedding and I listened to the wedding vows and I wondered do the couples today listen to what the preacher is saying.
Do you take this one to be your wedded one to this day forward, in sickness and in health so long as you both shall live.  They make that vow before God.  Do they not realize
what they are saying?    The preacher says what God joins together let not man put asunder.  Does the judge who grants
a divorce think about that? 

God created man and woman.  Adam needed a partner.  People should realize that God meant a man and a woman to be partners in marriage.  Never two women or two men.
Since Eve was the first to sin, how does that look for women?  Adam wanted a helpmate.  God gave him what he wanted.  He blamed Eve for the fall, yet she didn't put the apple in his mouth.  They were both at fault.  There's fault on both sides today when marriage goes rocky.  But I believe
most any marraige can be saved if both will work at it.

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