Tuesday, November 8, 2011


There's been a quarter laying in the floorboard of my car for sometime.  I finally picked it up this morning for I was picking up another lady to go to lunch and  I was cleaning out my car.   It made me think of how few coins were around when I was a kid.  I hadn't bothered picking that quarter up but back then if we found a penny or nickel anywhere, it didn't lay there long.  Back then you could buy candy for a penny and a candy bar for a nickel.  If we had found a quarter we would have been rich.  I hadn't even bothered picking up the quarter because after all what would it buy?  Not a candy bar, that's for sure and is there such a thing any more as penny candy?  I haven't seen any.  Thinking of candy makes me think of when Bill worked at Sears.  They had bulk candy and they would dip you out whatever amount you could pay for and put it in a white paper bag and it was sooo good.  I may have to make a trip to the store, I saw some chocolate covered peanuts there this morning.  They were in bulk too.  That quarter won't buy any but I might be able to find a few more coins.

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