Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Child's Birth

Our Sunday school lesson Sunday was on the birth of Jesus as we are studying now the book of Luke.
It was on the time when the angel visited Mary to tell her that she would have a child.  It made me think
of the birth of our  first child.  I did not see her in the delivery room as I had had a hard delivery and did
not wake up until I was in a hospital room.  I remember the first time they brought her to me.  It was not
the first time I had taken care of children.  I had taken care of my younger brothers and sisters and had
also taken care of my youngest sister-in-law as her mother had had a stroke about a month after Bill
and I had married.  The other sisters still at home were still in school so the job to take care of his mother
and baby sister fell to me.

I felt very different about this baby.  I laid her in the bed beside me.  I  was overwhelmed with  the responsibility I felt.  I thought, this is a awesome responsibilitty and I don't know if I'm up to it.  This child depends on Bill and I.  Raising her and teaching her is our responsibility.  I can remember how awe-struck
I was that morning the first time I saw my first child.  She is now a beautiful lady and has raised a family
of her own.  God blessed us even though we made many mistakes.

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