Saturday, March 10, 2012

Looking Back

I was getting ready to go to work at the library this morning and looking at myself in the mirror I thought "Oh my, you'll soon be 79 years old".  What have you done with all those years?  Sometimes when you look back on your life, you can see so many mistakes you've made.  Could I have done a better job with my life?
I'm sure I could have.  I didn't always listen to what my Dad and Mother taught me and I'd have done better if I had.  It's easy to see mistakes when you're looking back but it's not so easy to see them at the time.  I grew up when there wasn't so many pitfalls to fall into as there seems to be today.  What would my life have been like if I had not had christian parents?  If I had not been taught right from wrong how many worse mistakes would I have made.  I can't help but think, what will some people today think when they are old and
look back at their life.

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