Saturday, May 31, 2014

A People Saved By The Lord

I made a fool of myself at church a few weeks ago. I guess I've been a little angry at God although it wasn't His fault, mine. Sometimes I just open my mouth and make me look like a fool. As I get older it's easier done. Today I was reading my devotion and I liked what I read. It's talking about Israel but I'm claiming it for me. "There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides on the heavens to help you and on the clouds in His majesty. The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath is the everlasting arms." So no matter how bad my mind gets, God will always be there.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Getting Old

There are some nice things about getting old but mostly it's hard. One of the worse things about getting old is your mind leaves you. Things that have been in your brain for years is gone. Words is one of the worst things. It makes it hard for you to talk at all. Sometimes I think I should not talk at all. Sometimes I make a fool of myself. Will the time come when I won't know anything? I hope I go to heaven before then. Life does get harder as you get older. Women are usually left alone. The state of Illinois don't want me to drive anymore. What do they think I can do, I live in the country. It's embarassing when you do something or say something that doesn't make sense. I hope that people realize that someday it may be them. I know that I didn't have enough patience with my mother when she got old so I don't deserve patience. I just hope that my mind doesn't totally leave me. At least maybe I'll never forget who I am.

Water From The Well

This morning at church, the preacher preached in First Chronicles, chapter 11. Talked about David wanting water from the well. It made me think of something that an old friend of my Dad's family told me. They were neighbors and her husband and my Dad had grown up as neighbors. The story she told me was about the night my Grandmother died. My Dad's mother. There was a well there but they didn't use it anymore. I don't even know where it was, even though Bill and I lived there for a while when we were first married. She wanted a cool drink from that well and a man that was there that night, went to the well and brought her back a glass of water from the well. I never knew my Grandmother and this lady told me some stories about her and my Dad and his brother, back when they were young. Now she's gone too and maybe in Heaven they're talking about old times.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Does your taste change as you grow older? I know that food does not taste as good as it did when I was younger. I bought strawberries this week and they looked very good. They were much bigger than the strawberries my Dad grew but didn't taste nearly as good. My Dad also had a apple orchard and the apples tasted better then too. Now there is different kinds of apples and it's hard to find some of the ones that grew in our orchard. I can buy Red Delicious but they don't taste like they did when I was young. I wonder why things do not taste as good as they used to. Is it because my taste has changed since I'm older or have they messed around with food until they have taken out the flavor.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Leson In Humility

At the last supper, it had been a long day and I'm sure they had walked a dusty road. Jesus now showed His love. He got up from the table and took off His outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around His waist. He poured water into a basin and began to wash His disciples feet. This was a job for the lowest servants but the hands that washed those feet were the same hands that created the universe, that hung the stars in place, that created us. The bible says He washed every disciples feet. He didn't leave anyone out. He knew what was going to happen. He knew that every disciple but one would desert Him. He knew that Peter would deny Him and He knew that Judas was going to betray Him. When He had finished washing their feet, He returned to His place at the table. He told the disciples that they should do what He had done. I think this is not only a lesson in humility but also in forgive- ness. Jesus wants us to have a forgiving heart.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Lost Teeth

I paid a lot of money for a few teeth but they do not work well and tonight I thought they would not be working for me at all. I ate my lunch in a restaurant amd when I got back to the car, I took my teeth out because I had some blackberry seeds under them. Since I was in the car and couldn't wash them and I'd rather not have them in my mouth any way so I didn't put them back in. That night I started to go to bed and remembered taking my teeth out. I couldn't remember what I had done with them. I looked in my purse and they were not there. I went out and looked in my car. Looked in the dash but didn't find them. I looked over the car twice and could not think of what I did with them. I thought well if they fell out of my purse surely I would have heard them hit whereever they fell. After looking in the car twice I went through my purse again. My purse has a pocket in front that I usually use for my car keys but my keys were just inside my purse. I unzipped the pocket and sure enough there was my teeth wrapped in a tissue. While I was in Walmart I ran into a friend I hadn't seen for a while. We talked about how hard it is to be old and be a widow. It's also hard to not have your own teeth anymore.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


The people at the crucifiction never understood .  They thought that if Jesus was who he said he was he would save himself.  Only Jesus knew why He was dying.  He was dying for us all.  Only one criminal, who was crucified with Jesus, realized who Jesus really was and was saved before he died.  Even the disciples didn't understand until they saw Jesus after He had risen. 

When Jesus met the men on the road to Emmaus, He told them
"How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.
Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter His glory."  On the third morning Jesus had finished what He came for.  That's why we celebrate Easter.

A Blank Post

I was looking at my posts and found a blank one. No title, no blog. How did this get on my blog? I thought well I need to write something on it but couldn't think of anything. I guess the old woman just didn't have any thoughts at this time but I didn't want a blank post on my blog. I have to go to work at the library this morning and I need to get off of the computer so this is a blog with no thoughts at all.