Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ugly Feet

This morning I put on sandals, just straps to go to church and I thought of when Dad took  me to get my dress shoes for graduation.  I tried on different shoes but the clerk was very specific about what kind of shoes I should get.  At first I said I'd like  heels but he said "white heels should only be worn for formal evening wear.  So then I said I'd like sandals with straps.  Then he said "No, you should only wear them when you have pretty feet and you  shouldn't wear them.  I thought "Well he's telling me I have ugly feet."
I ended up buying wedge heels with just the toe out and a strap around the heel.  They covered up most of my foot so I guess he thought they covered up most of my ugly feet.  If that happened today I would say  I'm spending my money and I'll buy what kind of shoes I want.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Driver's License

Yesterday I went to take my driver's test but I didn't pass the eye test.  They made me angry, they didn't explain anything.  Just gave me a paper for my eye doctor to fill out.  Now if they ever let me take my test it's going to be harder to stay calm while I'm driving one of those women around.  Well for eighty years I've run into things I don't understand so why should I think this life here will ever be different.  Maybe my eye
doctor will fill the paper out and sent it back and they'll let me take my test and maybe I'll be able to drive
for the next four years, but maybe after four more years I'll just move somewhere where I won't have to drive.  I'm not ready for an old folks home but maybe my body thinks it is.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Strawberries On The Manley Farm

As long as I could remember when I was young, Daddy raised strawberries.  He took them to Grand Chain and shipped them on the train.  I don't know where they went but I bet that who ever got to eat them was happy to get them.   Strawberries were much sweeter back then but not so large.  I think they tried to make them larger and took the taste out.  Mom always made strawberry shortcake and it was so delicious.
The last time I helped to work in the strawberries was the spring after Bill and I were married and he took me by Dad's of the morning as he went to work.  These days when I'm putting strawberries in the freezer I think of how many berries I've picked.

Gettin' Old

I was getting new books ready to be put on the shelves in the library and I saw a book entitled "Gettin' Old Ain't For Wimps".  One Sunday coming out of the church a man made a remark very similar.  He's gone in to a home for elderly now and I don't think he's in good health.  My 80th birthday is coming up soon and I wonder what happened to those eighty years?  Did I really live them?  Maybe I need to read that book, maybe I'll learn something from it.


We've been studying Job in Sunday School.  Three friends came to sit with Job and at first they kept quiet.
When Job spoke then they all had their say and they were diffinitely not helpful at all.  Poor Job had done nothing  for all this to happen.  God had let the devil test him.  When you have bad things happen to you
does your friends think it's your fault.  You can do some things that harm your health but some things just happen and nobody has the right to judge you.  I think maybe when God answered Job, he wanted him
to understand the different between God and man.  Maybe  that is the lesson we need to learn from Job.
We cannot question God.