Thursday, June 13, 2013


We've been studying Job in Sunday School.  Three friends came to sit with Job and at first they kept quiet.
When Job spoke then they all had their say and they were diffinitely not helpful at all.  Poor Job had done nothing  for all this to happen.  God had let the devil test him.  When you have bad things happen to you
does your friends think it's your fault.  You can do some things that harm your health but some things just happen and nobody has the right to judge you.  I think maybe when God answered Job, he wanted him
to understand the different between God and man.  Maybe  that is the lesson we need to learn from Job.
We cannot question God.

1 comment:

  1. My feeling is judge not lest ye be judged. Bad things that happen to people is a sorrow, not something for us to judge.
