Thursday, July 11, 2013

Old Age Driver

I can't believe the problems I'm having, getting my license renewed.  If this is going to be every two years maybe I'll just retire.  Go into an old folks home and let someone else drive me around.  The eye doctor failed to fill out something and no driving test again.  A drive to Cape and the doctor was on vacation.
Is this supposed to tell me something?  If my mind is going this is not helping it, it's just helping the going

I'd think with all the trouble they've caused me they wouldn't give me much of a test but I don't think that
will happen.  They marked a x accross the paper the doctor had filled out and gave me another one.  Now
he's got to start all over.  His office could have looked up the information and finish filling it out but now I
have to wait and wonder "Am I going to pass that test".  I only have to the 28th of this month.

I haven't seen better on the right side for years.  If I couldn't see it on the left, I just said it was on the right.
Maybe I should not have been honest this time around but then maybe I'm getting paid back for not being
honest all these years.  There's got to be an end to this eventually.

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